Last month Apple launched new series for their hot selling music players, iPod. Steve Jobs announced new improved Nano and Touch. One of our colleague got his first iPod Nano from California and let me tell you - the product is simply amazing! It is just getting slimmer and slimmer. I remember when we had our first 'family' Nano some 3 years ago. It was like a new baby coming your home. In three years of time, the baby got new shine and is ready to rock the market.

The new iPod nano has an oval, tapered shape with a black wheel. The new iPod nano can create Genius playlists (Get iTunes 8 to know more about Genius Playlist) and it also got the accelerometer from the iPhone and iPod touch for viewing Cover Flow album art, photos, and video when turned sideways. The iPod nano is also gaining a number of new hardware and software features that typically could only be had through third-party accessories, such as a built-in voice recorder and the ability to shake it to shuffle.

Other new iPod nano features include an iPhone-like headphone set with a new clicker, volume control, and microphone. You can double-click to skip to the next song, press once to pause, three times to go to the previous song, and record voice memos with a microphone on the other side.

Apple claims a great battery life for the iPod nano with 24 hours of music and 4 hours for video. The new iPod nano will cost:
Rs. 7500 to 8500 for 8GB
Rs. 8500 to 9500 for 16GB

Apple has also introduced the new improved iPod touch with some unique features adapted from iPhone. It has the same 3.5" display but gets thinner with a tapered, stainless steel back to differentiate it from the iPhone. So, Apple wants it to be different from iPhone and at the same time it wants to power it with iPhone features.

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