India has seen two big DTH launches in past few weeks. Reliance Anil Dhirubhai Ambani Group (R-ADAG) took lead and launched their DTH network – Reliance BIG TV with big hoopla. Then came Bharti-Airtel’s Digital TV DTH network followed by Pepsi-Coke ishtyle ad war. R-ADAG and Bharti-Airtel initiated war of words over a teaser campaign. Amidst all this, Indian television consumer got two more options to choose from apart from the existing Dish TV and Tata Sky.

Dish TV, the pioneer in this field, claims 50 % market share. Current DTH user base stands at around 6.5 million out of 124 million households having a television set. Looking at this huge gap, everyone has a fair chance to achieve a substantial share in the market. Despite late entry, Airtel and Big TV has equal chance to stand top in the charts by virtue of innovative marketing strategies and world-class customer service.

So, if you are not happy with your local cabelwallah, here are some options for you. Download the excel file which compares four major DTH operators viz. Dish Tv, Tata Sky, Big TV and Airtel. Take your own decision and go for it.

Download DTH comparison

PS: It is heard that Big TV is planning to slash the DTH package price by almost 43 % on order to attract customers this Diwali.


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